What To Do With Unwanted Gifts

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The holidays came, saw, and conquered our -BER months, and now it’s January 2019. Santa has up and vanished and we’re left with a whisper of the past celebrations in our hearts and a mountain of gifts to sort through. But what do we do when we excitedly unwrap a gift only to find out that it’s something we don’t have use for?

We’ve all experienced it - that soul crushing guilt of receiving gifts from special people in our lives that we just know we’re never going to use; maybe it’s a blouse that hasn’t been your style for years, or a curling iron… but you’re bald. Okay, maybe not really, but you get what we’re talking about here: GIFTS THAT JUST AREN’T FOR YOU.

We’re here to let you know that there is a guilt-free way around these items that will be both beneficial to you AND the gift itself. Let’s start with the simplest one: Re-gifting.


Yes, it’s true. You can totally re-gift your gift! However, we recommend that you only do this if you already have a person in mind from the moment you opened your gift. Having a person in mind lets you know that someone else will benefit from this item far more than you ever will.

There is one thing you should keep in mind though: Make sure Loved One A (The Gifter) will not cross paths with Loved One B (The Re-Gifted). This could cause some drama, and no one likes drama.

And make sure that the gift is the style and taste of Loved One B, or else you are just passing on the problem to her.

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You can also ask a good friend, whom you know will understand and not tell on you. They might have use for it or it might match their style. Be honest and say that you got it as a gift from X, but it’s doesn’t suit you and it would be such a pity for it to go unused, with the caveat that it’s okay for her to say no, if it’s not her style or if she knows she would not use it either. It’s important to choose someone who you can trust and will not take it the wrong way.


When selling things online, it’s a general rule to sell your item for lower than its retail price. This helps ensure that the buyers are getting a good deal and a bang for their buck, and quickly gets it out of your hands and into the hands of another.

Depending on where you are located you can sell it on Craigslist, Ebay or Facebook.

Do it tastefully on Facebook: If you don’t want the gift giver to see it, simply change the setting of who can see your post. Choose the Friends except [insert name] option.

Or if you plan on selling it in one of the Facebook Buy and Sell Groups, make sure that the person who gave it to you, is not part of that group. There are so many Facebook Buy and Sell Groups in each city, these are hubs where people can find almost anything for a really good deal. Head on over there, and list your item, OR you can sell it directly from your Facebook Wall.

Things to keep in mind when selling online:

  • Take bright and clear photos of the item from all angles

  • Take note of any possible flaws, sizes, and other details

  • Add the original retail price and your reason for selling

Transparency with your buyer is key to an honest selling experience. Highly recommended!

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Kick off your years set of good deeds by donating the item to people or families who need them more than you do. There are so many out there who need what we don’t, and so heading over to your nearest donation box is one of the best ways to give away an unwanted gift. Not to mention the fact that it’s sure to leave you a sense of happy satisfaction once you drive away.

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When it comes to figuring out what to do with an unwanted gift, a change of mindset is exactly what you need. The fact of the matter is: Yes, the gift was given to you, but what good can it do if for the rest of it’s life if it’s doomed to sit on a shelf in your closet gathering dust and mold? Not to mention that constantly trying to maintain an unused gift with silicon gel packets and dehumidifier tubs will attract nothing but pests, cockroaches, and moths, only to make your life worse.

Its life-purpose will never be fulfilled and it’ll only be left to waste away into nothing. It’s not the best way to appreciate a gift that was given to you. By re-gifting, selling, or donating it, you will be able to make someone else happy and whatever you get in return, be it money, or a sense of satisfaction, is far more beneficial to you, than an item that will never serve you.

So, open your closet and let your gift see the light of day again. Give it to someone who will actually benefit from it. After all, clearing out useless items is what decluttering is all about, right?

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